Bring The Rocks 誠摯邀請大家參加一個精緻、縱情的夜晚,來自塞席爾—最好的Takamaka 蘭姆酒即將進駐台灣,帶給大家難忘的調酒體驗和交流之夜。我們歡迎 Takamaka 的全球品牌大使 Nana Sechere,他將在這次於4月28號在Studio 9 為大家展現異國的調酒手藝。
Nana Sechere 是一位國際著名的調酒師,Sechere傑出及專業的調酒技藝享譽全球。 他將使用 Takamaka 蘭姆酒為基底調製,除了挑逗您的味蕾,還讓您欲罷不能,再來一杯! 這次的巡迴之旅是品嘗來自賽席爾Takamaka蘭姆酒的絕佳機會,與我們沉浸在真正獨特的、熱情的島嶼與藍海中。
來一起漫步在浪漫的熱帶風情,我們鼓勵大家從衣櫃裡挑選出海島的度假風格。推薦包含白色、綠色或藍色(蒂芙尼藍綠色),帶些花卉綠葉或熱帶果物。 Takamka主題色: 白色代表島上陽光明媚的海灘,藍綠色代表豐富的植物群,藍色則代表清澈的海水與天空。
只要穿著以上Takamaka海島風格, 免費贈送一杯SHOT !
【酒吧】Studio 9
【日期】4月28日 19:00- 23:00
【地點】9F, No. 116號漢中街萬華區台北市108
入場: 600元
***包含2杯Takamaka特調, 直接到吧台兌換 ***
帶你的親朋好友一起參加這次特別的活動吧! 錯過絕對可惜的海島主題
Bring The Rocks is cordially inviting all interested people to an evening of indulgence and sophistication as we showcase the finest rum brand originating from Seychelles, Takamaka. Join us for an unforgettable night of cocktails and conversations as we welcome Takamaka's global brand ambassador, Nana Sechere, who will be presenting his exceptional mixology at Studio 9 on April 28th.
Nana Sechere is a renowned mixologist and his expertise in creating exceptional cocktails is well-known across the globe. He will be creating signature cocktails with Takamaka rum that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more. This is an opportunity to savor the true essence of the Seychelles, through the flavors of Takamaka rum, while immersing yourself in an exclusive cocktail experience.
To further enhance the tropical experience, we encourage guests to wear attire that reflects the natural beauty of Seychelles and the Takamaka rum bottle. The dress code for the event is white, green, or blue colors (turquoise is also appreciated) with some floral accents if possible. The white represents the sunny beaches of the island, green or turquoise the rich flora, and blue the crystal clear water and clear sky above.
ATTENTION! Each attendee who will arrive with suitable dress code will be served complimentary free shot on the arrival!
The dates and locations of the events are ...